Social Media Collabs
"This is a clothing swap collab! Make sure your character is wearing someone else's clothing!"
What you will do: Draw your OC/s wearing the clothing of an OC from a different comic from your own. A background should be included with your image. Please also add which comic it's from somewhere on the picture! It will also be better if we stick to comics within the collab so we can link to each other and all that jazz.
Size: 1500px width by 1500px height
Due Date: November 25th
Host: FeatheryJustice and Raz
"Social media collab where everyone makes their own dating sim scene."
What you will do: Create either a full body or three-quarter body shot of your character with a basic background (your choice). Adding a speech bubble for your character talking is optional. Feel free to reuse art since it doesn't have to be entirely new! Templates are available in the server channel.
Size: 1800px width by 1800px height
Due Date: November 30th
Host: MonkeyDude Comics
"This is a clothing swap collab! Make sure your character is wearing someone else's clothing!"
What you will do: Draw your OC/s wearing the clothing of an OC from a different comic from your own. A background should be included with your image. Please also add which comic it's from somewhere on the picture! It will also be better if we stick to comics within the collab so we can link to each other and all that jazz.
Size: 1500px width by 1500px height
Due Date: November 25th
Host: FeatheryJustice and Raz
"Social media collab where everyone makes their own dating sim scene."
What you will do: Create either a full body or three-quarter body shot of your character with a basic background (your choice). Adding a speech bubble for your character talking is optional. Feel free to reuse art since it doesn't have to be entirely new! Templates are available in the server channel.
Size: 1800px width by 1800px height
Due Date: November 30th
Host: MonkeyDude Comics
Art Collabs
"Recipes based off your comic, it can be an in-universe meal/drink/etc, or just something related to your comic in some way."
What you will do: Create an artwork at the specified size, and then include written instructions for the recipe itself. The instructions can be as simple or detailed as you want.
Size: 1600px width by 2560px height (will be resized to 800px width by 1280px height).
Due Date: December 30th
Host: MonkeyDude Comics
"Stars can be beautiful, cute, and maybe even horrifying? Lets have fun drawing stars with our OCs~!"
What you will do: Draw your OC/s utilizing the star shape in some way. You can draw up to 2 images for this if you like as well~! Make sure to include your series logo somewhere in the image so that people can more easily find your comic by looking at it~! Also, please include a background with your image~! This will be a scrolling collab you can post on the website of your choice in order to get a point for it.
Size: 800px width by any height.
Due Date: January 30th
Host: Artem Ficta
"The new year is upon us, and it's a good time to really think about the goals we want to set for the upcoming year and what we want to accomplish with our creative endeavors!"
What you will do: Make a vision board of your goals and aspirations for the upcoming year in regards to your comic, or any other art journey you wish to pursue. The vision board can be a collage of images, text and images, or even just text if you feel most comfortable with that. You don't have to draw the images, they just need to be something that represents your goals for you.
You can also do a second vision board for what you are proud of accomplishing with your art and comic over the past year if you'd like for an extra point. This would be a good way to celebrate your accomplishments and see how much you've grown~! At the end they'll all be compiled into a PDF.
Size: 1920 px width by 1080 px height
Due Date: February 10th
Host: Artem Ficta
"Recipes based off your comic, it can be an in-universe meal/drink/etc, or just something related to your comic in some way."
What you will do: Create an artwork at the specified size, and then include written instructions for the recipe itself. The instructions can be as simple or detailed as you want.
Size: 1600px width by 2560px height (will be resized to 800px width by 1280px height).
Due Date: December 30th
Host: MonkeyDude Comics
"Stars can be beautiful, cute, and maybe even horrifying? Lets have fun drawing stars with our OCs~!"
What you will do: Draw your OC/s utilizing the star shape in some way. You can draw up to 2 images for this if you like as well~! Make sure to include your series logo somewhere in the image so that people can more easily find your comic by looking at it~! Also, please include a background with your image~! This will be a scrolling collab you can post on the website of your choice in order to get a point for it.
Size: 800px width by any height.
Due Date: January 30th
Host: Artem Ficta
"The new year is upon us, and it's a good time to really think about the goals we want to set for the upcoming year and what we want to accomplish with our creative endeavors!"
What you will do: Make a vision board of your goals and aspirations for the upcoming year in regards to your comic, or any other art journey you wish to pursue. The vision board can be a collage of images, text and images, or even just text if you feel most comfortable with that. You don't have to draw the images, they just need to be something that represents your goals for you.
You can also do a second vision board for what you are proud of accomplishing with your art and comic over the past year if you'd like for an extra point. This would be a good way to celebrate your accomplishments and see how much you've grown~! At the end they'll all be compiled into a PDF.
Size: 1920 px width by 1080 px height
Due Date: February 10th
Host: Artem Ficta
Writing Collabs
There are no writing collabs at this time.
Annual Collabs
"This is a bi-monthly art challenge, so you can have plenty of time to work on it! The goal is to experiment & try new things using the palette provided. Every round people can submit new palettes & the one most voted for will be the next theme! You will receive 1 point per round for participating and all participants will be featured in a post on our socials! The due date for each round will be included with the pinned palette~!"
Due date: This will be ongoing!
Host: Llewellyn
"You will draw an art book image of your OCs at a carnival~!"
What to do: There are multiple ways to interpret the word carnival, so choose the one that appeals to you most for this collab~! Your image should include a background and be SFW. This collab will be included as part of our magazine collab as well~! You can draw a maximum of four images for the collab if you want, and two page spreads are allowed, but they will be counted as two images (so you can draw a max of 4 individual images or 2 two page spreads). Please include the logo for your comic on at least one of your images.
Size: We will be using the Ka-Blam template size for this collab. 2100px width by 3150px height 300dpi.
Submission date: TBD
Host: The Admins
"This is an annual collab in which participants are randomly assigned another member to make a gift for. Please sign up on the form and follow all submission instructions. All submitted sheets can be found in a drive together! If you drop past the drop date, you will not be allowed to take part in future exchanges. Please respect other gifters by not posting yours until the previous giftee has seen the post!"
Dates to know:
Signups close: November 16th
Last chance to drop out: Dec 1st
Start posting: Dec 7th
Posting ends: Dec 21st
Host: Llewellyn
"This is an annual collab in which participants are randomly assigned another member to make a gift for. Please sign up on the form and follow all submission instructions. All submitted sheets can be found in a drive together! If you drop past the drop date, you will not be allowed to take part in future exchanges. Please remember to respect the sexual boundaries posted by your assignment and that you are not obligated to draw full intercourse or nudity!"
Dates to know:
Signups close: TBD
Last chance to drop out: TBD
Start posting: TBD
Posting ends: TBD
Host: Llewellyn
"This is a bi-monthly art challenge, so you can have plenty of time to work on it! The goal is to experiment & try new things using the palette provided. Every round people can submit new palettes & the one most voted for will be the next theme! You will receive 1 point per round for participating and all participants will be featured in a post on our socials! The due date for each round will be included with the pinned palette~!"
Due date: This will be ongoing!
Host: Llewellyn
"You will draw an art book image of your OCs at a carnival~!"
What to do: There are multiple ways to interpret the word carnival, so choose the one that appeals to you most for this collab~! Your image should include a background and be SFW. This collab will be included as part of our magazine collab as well~! You can draw a maximum of four images for the collab if you want, and two page spreads are allowed, but they will be counted as two images (so you can draw a max of 4 individual images or 2 two page spreads). Please include the logo for your comic on at least one of your images.
Size: We will be using the Ka-Blam template size for this collab. 2100px width by 3150px height 300dpi.
Submission date: TBD
Host: The Admins
"This is an annual collab in which participants are randomly assigned another member to make a gift for. Please sign up on the form and follow all submission instructions. All submitted sheets can be found in a drive together! If you drop past the drop date, you will not be allowed to take part in future exchanges. Please respect other gifters by not posting yours until the previous giftee has seen the post!"
Dates to know:
Signups close: November 16th
Last chance to drop out: Dec 1st
Start posting: Dec 7th
Posting ends: Dec 21st
Host: Llewellyn
"This is an annual collab in which participants are randomly assigned another member to make a gift for. Please sign up on the form and follow all submission instructions. All submitted sheets can be found in a drive together! If you drop past the drop date, you will not be allowed to take part in future exchanges. Please remember to respect the sexual boundaries posted by your assignment and that you are not obligated to draw full intercourse or nudity!"
Dates to know:
Signups close: TBD
Last chance to drop out: TBD
Start posting: TBD
Posting ends: TBD
Host: Llewellyn